dumb stuff

Taking note of the ridiculous...

Sunday, July 31, 2005

dumb stuff #37

I'm still doing this. . . that's dumb.

Friday, July 29, 2005

dumb stuff #36

I have this problem. I have this craving for fun. Why live if you don't enjoy living? I know that sounds worldly and selfish, but sometimes I think that way. The thought occurred to me that this summer was not what I had planned on. I work about thirty hours a week, then I babysit when I'm not working. I had envisioned my summer's going the way they used to, bonfires with the crew every weekend, the drive in, applebees, and sleepovers. The majority of the crew is married or soon to be. Hang out times are few and far between. So, today I realized I've been experiencing a newly found fun...not being in school. Open the flood gates baby. I don't have to practice a painfully sounding woodwind instrument only to have those who don't practice sound better than me. I don't have the fate of my next dictation exam over my head and I don't have to eat PACES food. The books I'm reading are the ones I want to. I can actually practice drumset. I haven't worn my red sweat shirt in two months. I think this fun is called freedom. For a moment I had forgotten just how fun freedom from school is . . . that's dumb.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

dumb stuff #35

A quote from yours truly: "I just wanna know how you got to where you came from!" Beck and I sat there trying to figure out if that actually made sense. This is how we figured it. . . that's dumb.

Monday, July 18, 2005

dumb stuff #34

I think I should have some sort of identity crisis or something but I don't. Last week I went with my friend and her kids to Chucky Cheeses. It was free token day for all kids and wouldn't ya know I recieved a token because I look like I'm twelve. I'm not exaggerating, I can prove this. A few days later I was with that same friend dropping off her kids at Beaver Camp for the 12 to 13 year old's week. As walked by the registration table, the girl working ask me if I was going to be camper this week. The next instance threw me for a loop. I answered the phone at work and the caller ask to speak with one of the cashier's. When the cashier got off the phone she looked up at me and said, "I'm done with your phone sir." All my life I've just accepted that I look young for my age. I never knew I would have to accept the fact in certain lighting, I can pass for a sir. . . that's dumb.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

dumb stuff #33

Sears hired me to make things look pretty. . . that's dumb.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

dumb stuff #32

I saw a young girl with a yo-yo the other day and it reminded me of something. I used to love the yo-yo when I was younger. I had it with me all the time. When I was 12, my family went on a month long vacation out west. Of course, I brought my trusty yo-yo with me. We would be in the car driving all day and sometimes I needed something to pass the time so, I tied my yo-yo up on the hook thingy above the window and swung it back and forth. My glasses became my protective goggles, as the yo crashed into my face time and time again. So, when I saw that girl I was reminded of my yo-yo crashing into me, and no matter how much pain I was in or how many times I missed catching it, I kept that stupid yo-yo tied up to the hook...that's dumb.