dumb stuff

Taking note of the ridiculous...

Thursday, June 30, 2005

dumb stuff #31

These are actual song lyrics:
"So Happy together,
"So How is the weather?"

Another one: "Even though we aint got money,
I'm so in love with ya honey..."

If anyone ever tries to pick you up with lines like this, run for life. They think rhyming equals romance. . . that's dumb.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

dumb stuff #30

This just in. . . McDonalds is now selling bags of ice and M. C. Hammer is still making records....that's dumb.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

dumb stuff #29

Her- "Hey Nic, what's that called...not a hypothesis but the other kind of guess?"

Me- "A theory."

Her-"Yeah, what's that called?"

Me- "A theory."

Her- "Yeah, that's it."

Sad but true kids, this conversation was real...that's dumb.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

dumb stuff #28

I was washing my hands at work when I heard a child talking. I looked down and thought, "that little boy looks like a pretty little girl." Then I looked again only to realize that the child was a pretty little girl...that's dumb.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

dumb stuff #27

A peice of tonights dinner conversation:

Q: "You know who that guy is? Ya know, that guy that went out with that girl?"
A : "Oh yeah, Justin lampes."

Somehow, I was the only one shocked at the effectivness of this line of questioning...that's dumb.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

dumb stuff #26

This is my parents conversation last night while we finished up painting the living room.

"Connie, would you look for spots that need touch ups, I'm blind." "Yep." Mama says. So my mom finds six spots in the matter of thirty seconds. My dad's tired response,"Connie, would you do me a favor and like not find any more spots?" C'mon...that's dumb.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

dumb stuff #25

So I think I'll keep going. The last shall be first and the second to last shall be...
The other day I was in line at the checkout. I had candy and soda. The guy behind me, who was last,had about ten items to buy. The woman in front of me had appoximately a gajillion items, give or take. When it was her turn she turns to the guy behind me and says, "You only have a few things why don't you go ahead of me." "Thanks," he says and preceeds to walk in front of the both of us to the checkout. Meanwhile I'm just standing there in awe of the weirdness that I just got cut in line because the woman told the guy behind me it's ok if he goes ahead...that's dumb.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

dumb stuff #24

This is a joke, feel free to use at your own discretion. What's long, green, and has eight wheels? A grasshopper I lied about the wheels ...that's dumb

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

dumb stuff #23

I think this might be my last one, maybe not, but it might be.

My church at home has several different ministeries, the biggest being the school that I went to. From kindergarten to twelth grade I went to school at my church. Since I was in the same building for church and school it became my second home. I always loved going to school there. I loved it that all my friends were there, that we wore uniforms, that my teachers prayed for me, that I could get counseling from my pastor when I had a study hall, how cool is that? Anyway, I was asked to play drums with the high school's worship team for the last chapel service of the year. They always have a few alumni play at the last one. I went for a rehearsal this morning and came out totally blessed by the students hearts for the Lord. We had just finished when one student spoke up,"We have three minutes left, lets just worship." How cool is that? She's figured it out at such a young age...We need to take every opportunity to thank him.
A little while ago I was so inspired by how a friend of mine worships the Lord. It's so focused and sincere. She has joy spilling out of her all the time. I asked God what I needed to do to be able to worship like that. He told me that she lives like that. What I see on Sundays is just part of her daily routine. It reminded me of when I was graduating highschool. My senior year, all of the twelfth graders have thier goals for after college written in the yearbook. My goal was to celebrate Christmas every day of the year. Most people thought it was a joke, but I meant it. Celebrate the fact that Jesus came to earth, love him for his sacrifice, and live in that joyfull spirit that seems to capture people on the holiday, that's what I meant. Sure, it's a strange way to view things but I think it make sense. I'm glad my goal is still the same only now I can say it without the weirdness. I want to live thankful. Every time I step into that church building I know that I love that place for more than just memories, I love the spirit that lives in the hearts of the people in it; Those teachers and friends that I watched celebrate Christmas every day of the year.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

dumb stuff #22

I was brushing my teeth when I thought for second that I had heard a helicopter, then I realized it was the pipes in my house...that's dumb.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

dumb stuff #21

Yesterday was full of them. It all started when a friend called me and said that she needed help delivering meals on wheels(she volunteered but didn't know where she was going). Our first stop had a sign on the door that read,"Keep door shutt at all times." That's right folks, shut was spelled with 2 t's. Then later I had a question while driving around the route,"How do you spell styrofoam?" I asked. "I before E except after C," she replied. Please take note that niether I,E, nor C are in the word styrofoam. Later that night I was writing down a verse and I spelled whom with two L's, and shall with an i. How do you spell whom with two L's? Anyway, after each one of
these instances I had only one thought...that's dumb.